Curiteva is a privately held technology and manufacturing company based in Huntsville, AL. The company was founded in 2017 in a 35,000 sq ft facility by a machinist entrepreneur, focusing on building a portfolio of proprietary spinal implants. Since its founding, Curiteva is pioneering 3D printing of trabecular PEEK implants with a bioactive sub-micron surface to revolutionize how engineered structures and implant biomaterials accelerate immunomodulation, enhance healing, and improve patient outcomes.

Our Mission

To leverage internal expertise and external relationships to rapidly deliver high quality, low cost, high margin medical devices to the orthopedic market with a value proposition that is the right balance for the surgeon, hospital administration, OR staff, distributor, and patient.

Core Principles

  • World-class scalable manufacturing
  • Lean operational discipline and superior quality
  • Accelerated R&D pipeline
  • Novel intellectual property
  • Inspire to be the industry leader



Chad Falciani

Founder and Chairman of the Board

Eric Linder

Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Erik Erbe, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Phil Cupero

Chief Financial Officer

David Schmidt

Chief Commercial Officer

Bill Voss

Chief Operating Officer

Ed Mayadag

Vice President Strategic BD

Todd Reith

Vice President of Emerging Technology

Mark Mohlman

Executive Vice President

Chris Schultz

Vice President of Marketing

Our Promise: Product Innovation Advancing Patient Care with Excellence